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  • Help you gain and maintain lean mass and recover from workouts faster
  • Help you sustain higher levels of muscular performance during your workouts
  • Serve as a life-simplifying meal replacement for hard gainers, bodybuilders and active individuals who are struggling to gain or maintain quality weight

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Mass Maker

SKU: 0012

    Quality calories for quality mass. 

    If you want to gain mass (weight), typically you want it to be quality mass, meaning mostly muscle. This is easier said than done, particularly if you are very active, such as an athlete who trains twice a day or a delivery driver who lifts heavy appliances up and down stairs. To be successful, you’ve got to train hard and eat lots of quality calories. MMU makes the latter easier and more enjoyable. 

    Size: 5lb (About 23 servings) 


    • Muscle Building and Preservation
    • Recovery
    • Weight Gain

    Why people like it 

    • Taste: MMU vanilla has been compared to cheesecake, soft-serve ice cream, tapioca, vanilla pudding, and crème brulee! Users of MMU chocolate say that it reminds you of drinking a glass of fresh milk mixed with a spoonful of your favorite chocolate syrup as a child. It smells like fresh cocoa!
    • Potency: To make gaining mass easier, we boosted the energy density of MMU to 390 Calories per serving.
    • Unique formula: MMU contains a blend of 4 fast and slow proteins and 11 high-quality carbohydrates, plus fast-burning fats from coconut oil and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

    How do I choose between MMU and other Beverly proteins? 
    Choose MMU if: 

    • You are a hard-training athlete or very active individual trying to gain or maintain quality weight, or
    • you want a traditional meal replacement that is complete with high-quality protein, carbohydrate, and fat.

    Secrets to Success 

    • The best times to take MMU are first thing in the morning, after workouts or practice, and as a meal replacement.
    • At least two scoops should be taken immediately after workout or practice.
    • If you require more calories, simply add more scoops when preparing your shake. Add 5 oz of cold water for each additional scoop. You may also add milk, cream, a banana or your favorite nut butter to increase the energy density of your shakes.
    • Hardgainers: Add Multiple Enzyme Complex (MEC) to any weight-gain diet. MEC will enhance your natural digestive process, making it easier to absorb the nutrients your muscles need to grow.
  • Ironclad Guarantee: Don't settle for just a little edge - with Mass Maker, you can have it all - rapid training, recovery, super-sonic, quality lean muscle mass gains - all with a taste so irresistible that your mouth will be watering for more after every training session. And, it's guaranteed! How simple is this? You try it - you love it. If not we'll refund your money! 

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